Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Domino's Design Contest

I really love checking out the places featured in Domino's little contest. They get increasingly better everytime the gallery is updated. I am interested to see who will win, and also would love to know how many of the people who entered are actually in the design field themselves. Likewise it would be interesting to know which ones had used a designer in the process. I would be really impressed and excited to know if none of them were designers/had help and that there was just a bunch of people out there with great taste. That being said there are a couple on there that, there are some that are ummm not my favorites. For some of them I find it hard to believe they read Domino at all. Anyways hope everyone is having a great beginning to Fall.

1 comment:

Style Court said...

I agree with everything you said :) Some of the interiors are really amazing. I wonder if everyone who enters aspires to be a designer, or like you mentioned, if some just have great vision and are proud of their project.